Category: Uncategorized

  • Packaging waste…

    I ordered a little tool, something that can easily tighten and loosen all the things i need on a tripod/camera setup. It came today. Of course in carton, and inside there was the obligatory carton of the company making the tool. In that carton was this: And when you open the inside box, you find…

  • Donald is teaching history

    Today, Donald is teaching us about American history. He is complaining about the 1619 project (which won a Pulitzer), calling it left-wing propaganda. Trump said children should know “they are citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world”.” I can understand that you want to paint your own country in the…

  • QAnon and social media

    The Guardian had an interesting read today (as they often have): Save the Children It will take you 15min to read, but I think it is worth your time. It raises a lot of interesting issues about US society, the role of Facebook/Instagram. Sadly it only paints the picture of the problem, without offering solutions.…

  • Herd mentality

    “It would go away without the vaccine George,” he said speaking to ABC journalist George Stephanopoulos. “With time it goes away. And you’ll develop like a herd mentality. It’s going to be herd developed, and that’s going to happen. That will all happen.” He repeated this several times. Herd mentality. I am pretty sure, most…

  • He wanted to play it down…

    As it is all over the news these days, I like to make a point that most of the news outlets, as often with Trump, don’t make. It is fine to say “I did not want to create a panic, I wanted to play it down”. It is fine to say that, but I don’t…

  • Michelin Anakee Adventure

    Given the fact that I will be at another Enduro Training in a few weeks, I needed to replace the Metzler Tourance Next that came with the bike. I did not like those at all, they seem to cause a noise between 50–80 km/h, a high pitched whining. Does not seem to be uncommon from…

  • New area discovered

    I was in the mood to ride, so i took a longer trip, with the primary goal to see the “Basilica de Valera”. To make it not that boring, I quit the highway A12 around Bulle and took a bit of a detour: This was a rather scenic, small roads kind of drive. I am…